My sweet young students will not recognize this iconic Fisher Price toy from my childhood. Unlike the chunky figurines designed today, these fabulous tiny people could fit on the tips of your fingers - and apparently, if you chewed on the toy long enough, their heads could fit in your windpipe as well. Deemed a choking hazard, these little cuties were discontinued in 1990, and now can only be found on eBay, at garage sales, and in grandparents' basements.
Here's the new version of the Fisher Price Little Friends. You can see significant improvements have been made. For starters, they have arms and legs. It is also one piece of plastic designed to thwart toddlers' constant desire to shove everything down their throats. Sadly, the figures have also expanded from fairly generic designs (that require imagination) to the ubiquitous Disney princesses, Marvel Superheroes, and career-oriented Little Friends. Despite these (mostly) positive changes, my heart swells with nostalgia over the older, armless, legless, and hazardous version.
So while I am not a fan of New Year's resolutions, I do like the idea of crafting my character into a better
version of myself. Like the Fisher Price toys, I want to remember the wonders of my past, yet still be intentional about making changes that will improve my impact on the world around me.